Co-Parenting During COVID-19

3 Co-Parenting Tips to Help You Through This Difficult Time

With social distancing and stay at home measures in place, co-parenting may be especially concerning. With courts temporarily closed, this leaves separated or divorced individuals to work out some of their issues among themselves. However, you can always remain in contact with your lawyer at this time and seek advice on how to handle situations until further legal action can be taken. Some co-parenting tips that could ease the tension during this stressful time in our lives can be found below.

Communication Is Key: Now that you and your ex-spouse have the task of homeschooling, you may be finding that your child is experiencing difficulties in areas that you weren’t aware of prior. Also, if your child typically receives his/her medication through the school nurse, and is now the responsibility of you or your ex to administer, this may be another area that requires further discussion. When these concerns arise, it’s important that they are well communicated to all parties involved, so that when your child visits your ex’s house, everyone in that household is aware of the medical, emotional, and academic needs your child requires.
Encourage Health: During this pandemic, the most important factor is our health. It’s imperative that we don’t lose sight of that aspect, and we provide a good example to children. Both houses should be encouraging strict hand washing measures, in addition to complying with state and local guidelines, including wearing masks. Children over the age of 2 are required to wear masks, so it’s important that they are available for the child in each household.
Be Empathetic: With millions of unemployment claims being filed in the U.S., it’s been proven that no one’s job is safe. Being out of work can result in difficult times for those making child support payments. If you need to make modifications to child support payments during this time, it’s best to reach out to your lawyers and seek advice on how to accommodate this situation. With these financial strains, it’s important to try and be understanding of your ex-partner’s situation as well, and remember to put the well-being of your child first.
Be sure to use the resources that the team of divorce lawyers at Carr Saglimben LLP can provide during these uncertain times. We understand that co-parenting is never easy, and takes a lot of effort from both parties. The pandemic only intensifies these struggles, and our attorneys will be with you for all your legal needs during this process. If you’re finding it difficult to co-parent during the COVID-19 pandemic, be sure to contact our team of attorneys today! We proudly provide legal custody support for clients throughout the Olean, NYWellsville, NYBradford, PAWarren, PA; and Chautauqua, NY areas.
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